jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Parrandiando con Fortuño. Parrandiando en ingles.

El plebiscito está planchao'. Ya se huele la estadidad. Anoche por poco cae nieve. ¿Como sería una parranda en ingles? ¿Suficiente para que te suba un buche? Excelente. Entonces aquí tengo lo que buscabas, un traductor 'español/ingles arrastro'' para tu parranda o tu parrandabus.
                            Tu sabes que la cosa se va a poner buena cuando el                                 cabrón chofer tiene un traje de Hecho a Mano.

Con el ritmo y un ingles arrrrrrastrao' esto no tiene precio.

Greetings greetings I come to greet.
Greetings greetings I come to greet.
Isabelinian style nice singing.
Isabelinian style nice singing.

I bring a bundle
I bring a bundle
from a pretty rosebush.
A year that comes
another that goes.
A year that comes
another that goes.

Happy I come from the mountain
from my cabin that happy it is.
And to my friends I bring flowers
from the best of the rosebush.

That poor pig,
died suddenly.
With a gash on his forehead,
and another on the heart.
They put him in the oven,
took him out hot.
They sunk the teeth,
to that poor pig.

You turned on the light
you put in the leg.
You turned on the light
you put in the leg.
Now we know
you in the house.
Now we know
you in the house.

Give me your hand pigeon,
so I can up to your nest.
Give me your hand pigeon,
so I can up to your nest.
They have told you're alone.
They have told you're alone.
And to give you company I have come.

Of my dad's son,
I am the bold rooster.
The one that drinks more rum
and burning water on Christmas.
Comadrita the toad,
Has your husband arrived?
Yes sir.
And what he brought you?
A robe.
What color?
Lemon green.
Should we go to mass?
I don't have a shirt...
...take me to glory tomorrow at nine.
Tomorrow at nine
nobody doubt it
that in space
clouds walk.

The pig is taken
it's killed and skinned.
The pig is taken
it's killed and skinned.
It's put on a stick
and then it's blazed.
It's put on a stick
and then it's blazed.

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